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Our Mission

Our Mission

The Coyote Creek Learning Fund (CCLF) is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds to help maintain and enhance the quality of education at Coyote Creek Elementary School through the collaboration of parents, educators, and the community.
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Welcome Message from CCLF President - August 1, 2023

Welcome Message from CCLF President - August 1, 2023

Dear Coyote Creek Families,
Warm greetings to all our new and returning families as we embark on the 23/24 School Year!
At Coyote Creek Elementary School, we strive to provide the best academic and curriculum enrichment programs for every student. To achieve this, the Coyote Creek Learning Fund (CCLF) plays a crucial role in raising funds. Unfortunately, due to state budget cuts and a decrease in enrollment, our school faces challenges in obtaining sufficient funding to offer the programs our children truly deserve.
Your generous contribution to CCLF helps bridge this funding gap, enabling us to provide students with the necessary resources to enhance their individual educational experiences. The funds raised by CCLF support a range of vital programs, including:
Classroom paraeducator (teacher assistant) time, providing essential instructional support in math and reading across all grade levels. Dedicated Art Instruction for all grade levels. Engaging Music Instruction. Skilled Reading Specialists. Stimulating STEAM enrichment activities for all students. Access to technology, facilitating modern learning experiences.
Moreover, your generous contribution is not only tax-deductible but also eligible for Corporate Matching. Learn more about this option by clicking here.
However, financial support is not the only way we can make a difference. We are in need of volunteers to assist with various school events, extracurricular activities, and classroom support. Whether you have a knack for organizing events, a passion for art or music, or simply a willingness to lend a helping hand, your involvement will create a more enriching and supportive environment for our students.
Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to the success of our students. Together, through financial contributions and active family participation, we can make a significant difference in their educational journey.
Warm regards,
Christina Valle-Smith, CCLF President
Coyote Creek Elementary

Donate Online

Visit our FutureFund Registration Site.

Match Your Donation

See if your employer will match your donation and/or volunteer time. Learn more here

Mail In Donation

Please make check payable to “Coyote Creek Learning Fund,” and mail it to:

Coyote Creek Learning Fund
8700 N. Gale Ridge Rd
San Ramon, CA 94582

Become a Community Partner

If you are a local business, click to learn more about the different levels of support you can offer.

Donate with PayPal

Make a one-time or recurring donation online using PayPal. It's quick, easy and secure.

Thank you for your support!

An Affiliate of the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation
CCLF is a qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID: 02-0740700