Duties of Room Parents
Thank you for volunteering your time as a Room Parent! You provide an invaluable service to the school. In addition to coordinating class parties and events, a Room Parent is the main source of communication between the PTA, your teacher, and the parents in your class. You will be invited to attend an orientation meeting at the beginning of the school year where you will receive an overview of the Room Parent role. A summary of the duties is noted below for your reference.
Room Parent Duties:
- Organize class parties, usually around a specific topic or theme.
- Collect money from parents and organize teacher gifts at holidays and birthdays.
- Recruit and coordinate volunteers for classroom support, school events, and field trips
- Send out reminders/ sign up sheets about events, activities, field trips, etc.
- Keep an up-to-date list of contact information for all parents
Make sure all parents are signed up through Konstella!
Though parents will have already provided their email address to the school and school district during the registration process, they still need to expressly release that information to you for Room Parent communications. Please let parents know that, if they choose not to provide an email address, they may not receive important classroom information.
Parents may either sign up at Back to School Night via the app (I have provided teachers with forms to hand out with instructions) or they can fill out their information on the form I gave teachers and you will need to invite them yourself. Use the email information,to add parents to Konstella. You will then be able to communicate to the whole class with just one click, rather than entering each email address for every message. As for class pictures, please inform parents that (1) pictures are posted so parents can see pictures of their child at events (eg, field trip or Fun Run) that they might not be able to attend and (2) the only people with access to the photos will be parents in your class and the yearbook committee.
Classroom Responsibilities
As soon as possible, you will want to learn from your teacher what the class volunteer opportunities will be so that you can create a volunteer schedule. The typical ones are Library, Computers, Centers, and Friday Folders. You will also need to learn the days and times on which they will occur. Once you select your classroom on Konstella, click create, and then sign-up or reoccurring sign-up. You can also use the "Create" button to make sign-ups for for class parties to collect donations and/or party supplies, as well as organize party volunteers.
Any relevant documents and templates can be found in the Room Parent locker on Konstella! Please contact us at rpc@coyotecreekpta.com if you have any questions!