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3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Only

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Only

Do you like to sing?  Do you sing in the shower or in the car?
Well, this is the place for you. No experience needed, just inspired singers wanted!
Student Responsibilities
  • Be respectful
  • Be prepared
  • Practice 20 minutes every week.
Song Selection Examples:
Lion King, Don’t Stop Believin’, Jingle Bells, ABC, Hamilton and many more!
  • Finding and Developing your voice.
  • Reading music.
  • Proper singing techniques.
  • Social emotional skills and support!
  • Increased math and spatial skills.
  • Amazing confidence.
Chorus Starts August 30th
Wednesdays 12:55 - 1:55pm 
If you are interested in Chorus, please contact Jenifer Bertolero.